Nasty Nas Inversed
Who Am I and more importantly, WHO ARE WE?
By trade, I am a Security Engineer for a large retailer—Top Fortune 100, honestly top 25. But that’s not why I’m here! My time is valuable, and when we work, it’s Showtime.
I have been in the markets since 2016. Started with long-term investing, moved to swing trading in 2017, and learned day trading in 2020. My journey has been shaped by many great traders, and I’d be a fool not to acknowledge those who helped me:
- Gerald Peters (@fullauto11 on IG): Taught me about long-term investing and market cycles.
- AMU: Great swing/day trading courses—highly recommend!
- Jason Sweeting (@jthetrader on IG): An incredible teacher and trader from Miami. More info on his courses coming soon.
- Other Online Resources: Never stop learning—one of the pillars of success!
Most importantly, what makes me unique? I’m InverseTwan 😉
Why Me?
One thing you’ll learn about me—I don’t care how much money you make on a trade. I care about the details. If you tell me you made 10K on a trade we discussed, cool. But if you tell me you took a Nasdaq short for 225 points and explain why, now we’re talking!
I’ve seen massive wins and losses. The key is being in the game, learning, and refining your process. I care about your growth as a trader. Never underestimate the value of SIM/PAPER trading—when I started swing trading, I did it for a YEAR with paper trades. Best decision I made—it eliminates fear. I’ll help you with this.
Trading Psychology & Market EXPOSURE
Master your mindset and develop the discipline needed to succeed in trading. Trading is 90% psychology and 10% strategy—without the right mindset, ALL strategies fail!