
Nasty Nas Inversed

Nasty Nas Inversed

What is this and why am I here?

“Nasty Nas” is a phrase sometimes used by traders to discuss how Nasty the Nasdaq can be for new traders. Mainly because of its rate of speed compared to other Tickers/Instruments. Inverse Tickers are just that, inverse of the underlying instrument. But I’m not here to discuss all that YET, you’ll see my technical side in due time. .. …

This is a GROUP of Swing Traders, we’ll discuss day trading from time to time. But in my eyes, everyone needs to know how to Swing. Seeing the psychology + mindset change behind it all, cracking a few laughs at previous pitfalls, and REALLY show how mindset affects performance. In other words, no Negative Nancy’s around here. A LOT of us have been born into scarcity mindsets, we have to think in abundance! Even before you’re there. .. …

No REALLY, why am I here?

You are here because. .. … when you get paid you don’t know how to look for an opportunity to flip some of the left over money. I know, I know. .. … we don’t have ANY left over money. Truth is, we ALL have $ to short term invest, but we don’t know when and where we put it.

Short Term vs Long Term? and what do you mean where to put it?

When I started on my journey, I wanted to think like I was on unemployment again. What would I do if I was in the $330 per week scenario? Back then, I played lottery and other bad % games. Now, I know I could trade 11 contracts of the /MNQ and my target on each contract is between $100-$250. It’s not that I have $10,000,000 in liquid cash/assets, but not many breathing KNOW how to flip $30 like me. Options we will focus on, likely my market direction biases will be using the Future market. I don’t want to confuse anyone to think i only know how to make $ with one hand. .. …

That is my short term mentality. In my eyes, these are separate accounts AND separate mentalities. We will discuss them both in great depth as we go along, but NEVER make the mistake of saying “I’m long term only”…. it’s probably one of my biggest pet peeves. Because if we all knew we could spend 30 min here and there and look for ways to flip our loose change to pay some BILLS, we’d NEVER be long term ONLY. We’d be in both. .. …always

Why Join? How to get started. .. …

You’ll gain direct insight into how incredibly technical traders analyze and prepare for the markets. This isn’t a course—this is an over the shoulder of traders who have seen 1000+ sessions live. Win or lose, that can be controlled and tamed, but being around experience is invaluable. .. … to help you trade with confidence and minimal effort.

Sign up for our membership to get access to exclusive live Zoom sessions, deep market analysis, and psychological trading insights.

Zoom Call Schedule

  • Saturday (10 AM – 12 PM): Previous Week Market Review, Nasdaq Options/Futures, and option plays for next week.
  • Sunday (6 PM – 8 PM): Upcoming trading week review and option plays for next week.
  • Monday Wednesday & Friday (8 AM – 9:30 AM): Pre-market analysis and live preparation.